During this COVID-19 pandemic situation, many business owners want to know how to continue operating their businesses while keeping all clients and staff members as safe as possible. This new COVID-19 landscape changes the whole world entirely.
You need to learn how you can prevent transmission of this disease, so you can reopen and operate your company during COVID-19 safely. Here are some useful tips on how you can keep everyone safe during this COVID-19 pandemic situation. All of these tips can help your business continue thriving and keep your staff members safe.
a. Encourage your staff to wear personal protective equipment (PPE)
When you are planning to start reopening your business, you should encourage your staff members to wear personal protective equipment or PPE. You can do bulk purchase of custom logo print reusable cotton face masks for all of your employees, so they can use it regularly at the workplace or when meeting a client. Buying it in bulk can decrease the whole business cost-efficiently. You can also decrease the spread of the COVID-19 disease.
b. Ensure that your facility is disinfected
If your place is open to the public, you need to have a clear plan on how you can maintain a fully disinfected and clean space for your clients and your staff members. Any surface that is touched by many people should be cleaned and disinfected regularly, for example, light switches, desks, counter areas, door handles, sink faucets, bathrooms, etc. Let your staff members know the disinfection plan for keeping them clean and safe. It is a good idea for you to hire an individual for disinfecting any re-usable surfaces or items. This step is very useful to reduce COVID-19 transmission.
c. Create a clear back-to-work plan
After your business is done remotely for a few months, you may want to create a clear plan on how you can return to work. You can consider creating extra space between cubicles or desks. It is a good idea for you to divide your team members into two parts. For example, “A team” will work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, while the “B team” will work on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. It will reduce the total amount of people who are going to share the space. Don’t forget to open the windows around your business area, so you can improve the air circulation around your workplace.
d. When your employees are sick, ask them to stay home
During this COVID-19, you may notice that many people are considered as asymptomatic carriers of this disease. They don’t have any symptoms, but they can infect other people easily. If you want to keep your staff safe during this pandemic, you should monitor the health of your staff members. When they are feeling unwell, they should stay at home. Don’t forget to have COVID-19 tests on any people who are sick in your office. You should quarantine any workers who have close contaact with any COVID-positive individuals. It will reduce the risk of the COVID-19 spread in your office.
e. Always be understanding of the condition of your employees
This is another important thing that you should consider doing. During this pandemic situation, you should be ready with any unwanted situations that your employees can suffer from. When you find out that your employees are at risk of getting infected by COVID-19 due to their ages, you can ask them for working remotely from home. Always check the condition of all staff members regularly, so you can know their condition mentally and physically.
In the end, there is always a chance for your employees to have reluctance or fear about coming back to work. You need to understand your employees and their situations. You can discuss everything with your staff members, so they can do the best for preventing the spread of COVID-19 disease. You should take every precaution for reducing the risk of COVID-19 spread in your office. By doing all of those tips above, you will be ready to help your company run smoothly without having to risk your staff members from getting infected by COVID-19.