Editorial Policy


Aquaholic.com.sg is an e-commerce platform dedicated to offering premium corporate gifting solutions in Singapore. Our Editorial Policy outlines our unwavering commitment to delivering valuable, accurate, and engaging content that supports our business values and principles.

Editorial Independence

  1. Objective Reporting: Our content is built on the foundation of objective and impartial reporting. We strive to present accurate information and recommendations while avoiding personal bias.
  2. Product Information: We provide transparent, honest, and detailed information about our corporate gifting products. Our aim is to empower customers with the knowledge they need to make informed choices.

Content Categories

  1. Product Information: Aquaholic.com.sg covers an extensive range of topics related to corporate gifting, including product features, customization options, and gifting ideas.
  2. Customer Success Stories: We may feature customer testimonials and success stories to provide real-world examples of our product quality and the satisfaction of our clients.

Customer Engagement

  1. User Reviews: We encourage customers to leave reviews, ratings, and comments about our products. All user-generated content is subject to moderation, ensuring a respectful and helpful environment.
  2. Customer Feedback: We actively seek customer feedback and address inquiries, suggestions, and concerns in a timely and customer-centric manner.

Advertising and Promotions

  1. Promotional Content: Promotions and special offers may be featured on our website. These will be clearly distinguished from editorial content, and we ensure a clear separation between promotional and editorial content.
  2. Affiliate Links: When affiliate links are used in our content, they are disclosed transparently, and we provide clear explanations of how they work.

Privacy and Data Security

We uphold strict privacy standards and adhere to data protection regulations. For a detailed overview, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Commitment to Quality

Our Business Values: Our content reflects our unwavering commitment to delivering premium and unique corporate gifts to our clients. We believe in prompt delivery, outstanding craftsmanship, and exceeding expectations.

Regulatory Adherence: Our content fully complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.


Our Editorial Policy is subject to periodic review and updates to ensure alignment with our business values and principles. Any revisions to this policy will be transparently communicated on our website.

We are committed to maintaining the highest editorial standards and ensuring the quality, accuracy, and integrity of our content. Your trust is essential to us, and we will continually work to provide valuable and trustworthy content to our audience.